Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Would You Do With a Million Dollars...

Here is an answer to that age old question from someone who will soon have to make these kind of choices. However I am not sure his choices would be at the top of my list.


Jason said...

I can't wait to see his house on MTV Cribs.

Robo Boogie said...

I see a whole wing dedicated to sponge bob.

Really, sponge bob?


GingerBalls said...

I am very curious about this SpongeBob Mascot position and would like to know what it would pay.
Sincerely, Frank Martin

Hiphopopotamus said...

I honestly couldn't understand a word he said. I wanted to, but I just couldn't...

Anonymous said...

You mean Frank Martin didn't pay Beasley a cool mil to hang in the Little Ap already? Wow, was I off.