Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bryant Allen May Choose Kansas

I'll be the first to admit that I know very little about our recruiting in either football or basketball. I try and keep up with basketball, because there are fewer of them and enough exposure that I feel like I'm actually able to get a read on them. Football, not so much. But I stumbled upon some news today over at Mizzourah that Bryant Allen, a touted WR of Maplewood, MO has eliminated MU from contention and will ultimately decide between the two Insight Bowl participants. Intrigued, I did as much research as someone without any subscriptions can do and came acorss this quote from Allen:
"I don't think negative of Mizzou for losing to Kansas or Oklahoma," he said. "Oklahoma especially has a really good team. It just seems like Missouri can't handle the big games."
I like him already. Also of note were these excerpts from the article:
"Allen finished his senior season (13-1) with over 1,000 yards receiving and 29 touchdowns. He reports a 3.2 core GPA and a 22 ACT."
Sounds like he'd be a great addition. He's set to announce his decision on Thursday.


  1. Rumor has it that Mizzou coaches didn't recruit this guy as hard as they have other WRs.

    Of course, I didn't want to go to prom with the hot chick either...only because she'd turn me down.

    Mizzou is in the Vidal Hazelton sweepstakes though, and is apparently fairly close to sealing the deal. Of course, thats the rumor too. Damn 21 year old people can't make up their mind.

  2. He wants to play basketball too. Apparently Self told him he could walk on. Sounds like we have a good shot.
